
Annton Beate Schmidt - That's how she rolls

She does not like all those terms for certain disabilities. That’s why Annton Beate Schmidt invented a different term for herself: Cripster. What exactly that means, what kind of questions relating to policy for the disabled she cares about and what she wants to tell people concerning disabled parking spaces, she tells us on


Photo: Annton Beate Schmidt; Copyright: Bernd Wannemacher

Annton Beate Schmidt; © Bernd Wannemacher

Photo of Annton Beate Schmidt and a drawing of her; Copyright: Annton Beate Schmidt

Her art and people are near and dear to Annton Beate Schmidt: "With the first one I try to unite and move the second ones"; © Annton Beate Schmidt

Graphic: How we roll; Copyright: beta-web/Schmitz

© beta-web/Schmitz