His passion is photography: Arne Schöning is always looking for new inspiration, does not take life too serious and has a refreshing self-mockery. What he dislikes about the title German Federal Commissioner for the Disabled and what he always wanted to do, he tells us at REHACARE.com
Arne Schöning: Together with my friends a few weeks ago after a party. Maybe we should call it slapstick. When I went back home from a silent party (we weren’t allowed to speak all night) and I said: "I felt so disabled tonight". And my friends and I started laughing so hard.
What have you always been wanting to do and why have you never done this so far?
Arne Schöning: To beam. But it isn’t invented yet.
Which person has influenced you most?
Arne Schöning: Not a single person influences me, but the variety of positive small things from different people, which I try to accept and to develop my own ego with these inspirations.
You have the chance to become the German Federal Commissioner for the Disabled. What would you do first?
Arne Schöning: More people should be able to speak for themselves as experts for their own cause.
Arne Schöning: German Federal Commissioner for the Disabled. And why isn't it called German Federal Commissioner for people with disability ;-) Which questions would you like answered the most?
Arne Schöning: If my life would be as exciting and fulfilled if I had not jumped into a pool 14 years ago.
What I finally want to say... Arne Schöning: Thank you for your interest in this interview. Don't take life too serious and don't take everything literally. Life will be more relaxed then.
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