After Christian Kenk told us "How he rolls" in the last week, today it is Bernd Mann's turn. He is the personal assistant of his friend Christian Kenk. What kind of questions the second author of "Schwer behindert, leicht bekloppt" (Heavily disabled, slightly loco) has in mind and which thought from the German philosopher Immanuel Kant he prefers, he tells us at
Name: Bernd Mann Age: 47 City: Karlsruhe, Germany Occupation:Personal Assistant and author Impairment: Personal Assistant of a heavily physically disabled person
Bernd Mann: When we clown around at home, we are laughing about almost everything. It is important not to be too serious all times.
What have you always been wanting to do and why have you never done this so far?
Bernd Mann: I love the sea. Doing a long trip on a boat would be inviting. But until now there was no time.
Which person has influenced you most? And why?
Bernd Mann: There are many people which affected me because they fought for their beliefs. But most of all my sister had an impact on me. After her early death I came to the conclusion that I had to live my own life; to head for things I want to; do whatever is important to me; and therefore it does not matter what others will think of me. There will always be people you cannot satisfy.
You have the chance to become the Commissioner for the Disabled in your country. What would you do first?
Bernd Mann: The impact of the Comissioner for the Disabled is pretty bounded sadly. I guess I would invite the members of the German Parliament to accompany a disabled person for a day, so they could see what problems there are in their every day life. Maybe it would take more than just one day until they would recognize the meaning.
Your life is made into a film: Who would represent you?
Bernd Mann: After long consideration I would say: Matt Damon. He has a lot of facet. He can play the tough guy but also sensitive and vulnerable and he is just my age. But most important: he still seems to be so down-to-earth. I would like to be ...
Bernd Mann: A good memory.
Which questions would you like answered the most?
Bernd Mann: Where is mankind heading? What impact will new technologies and medical oppurtunities bring? Will it be possible to spread education and stem up populism? When will we stop believe that there are easy answears for complex questions
What I finally want to say?
Bernd Mann: Try to be yourself and do not get influenced by what you think others expect from you. Treat everyone the way you would like to be treated by others.
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