From the middle of nowhere in Wales, Beth Griffiths writes about beauty, lifestyle, disability and books she reads. Besides that the 25-year old Welsh girl is a passionate wheelchair Basketball player. Her team, the Worcester Wolves, is kind of family to her. What her attitude towards life is, what she would love to do and what her relationship to cheesecake is like, she tells us on
Beth Griffiths: My brother always has me cracking up. He’s just hilarious, but don’t tell him. His head is big enough already.
What have you always been wanting to do and why have you never done this so far?
Beth Griffiths: Travel more. I’m wary of travelling because of accessibility and language barriers with my health. Also money. Why do I not have unlimited money. I mean I have travelled just not as far as I would like.
Which person has influenced you most? And why?
Beth Griffiths: My mum. She takes everything in her stride. She helps me tackle all the problems that come with my health. She has taught me to accept the down days and is always ready to boost me back up. I would not have the confidence with my disability that I have now without her.
When she is on the field, she always looks happy. That's the reason Beth Griffiths likes the pictures of herself while playing wheelchair Basketball.
You have the chance to become the Commissioner for the Disabled. What would you do first?
Beth Griffiths: Actually listen to all the problems that disabled people face. Disabled voices have been ignored for way too long.
What is especially near and dear to you?
Beth Griffiths: My family, friends and wheelchair Basketball. I would be lost without them.
I would like to be ...
Beth Griffiths: ... exploring Hawaii.
Which question would you like answered the most?
Beth Griffiths: Why there is still so much hate in the world. Also why is cheesecake so delicious yet makes me so ill?
What I finally want to say...
Beth Griffiths: Life isn’t about waiting for the storm to pass. You just need to learn dance in the rain. Adapt to your circumstances instead of letting them ruin you.
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