You have the chance to become the Commissioner for the Disabled in your country. What would you do first?
Björn Schulz: I would publish the names of all members of the Bundestag who do not have an accessible electoral office! Unfortunately, I would probably not have the competence to make accessible electoral offices mandatory! This is a small *wink-wink* to a certain federal minister!
Your life is made into a film: Who would represent you?
Björn Schulz: Why should my life be made into a movie? I live with the people who are important to me and that is enough!
I would like to be ...
Björn Schulz: Hotblack Desiato, the bandleader from Disaster Area (Note of the editorial team: from the book "Per Hitchhiker through the Galaxy" by Douglas Adams).
Which questions would you like answered the most?
Björn Schulz: There are so many questions that drive me as interested people, for example, can animals commit suicide or what was before the Big Bang? But here I would rather write down questions from the spectrum around my disability. A small selection would be these: Why do health insurance companies pay homoeopathic medicine but no handbikes? I would like to know why there is no wheelchair space in the Elbphilharmonie in the most expensive price category? The question, why the monument protection stands in the way of the accessible conversion of buildings, but not a paying investor, I would never ask because of the obvious polemic of course. I would ask why in Germany the monument protection hinders the accessible reconstruction, but I can, for example, prescribe accessibility in almost all historic buildings in Florence?
What I finally want to say?
Björn Schulz: When I came to the Paraplegia Center after my small mishap, the dear people there gave me a wisdom in a very positive manner, which I deeply internalized and which helps me in many situations: Do not worry, be happy!