Being diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis (MS) has actually been a chance to take another path for Caroline Régnard-Mayer. This way she started writing, informs people with MS and their relatives. She is also head of a MS self-help group. So she really likes what she does. To what extent she takes her life and also the MS symptoms with a sense of humor, she tells us on
Caroline Régnard-Mayer: Every day and often about myself. MS is causing several embarassing situations (for example with my bladder) and I take it all with a sense of humor. Life is too short to miss the good things!
What have you always been wanting to do and why have you never done this so far?
Caroline Régnard-Mayer: A trip to Norway. But I could not do this on my own anymore. But I am still saving my money and some day I will do it.
Which person has influenced you most?
Caroline Régnard-Mayer: My children: They often tell me what I could do better and they remind me when I cross my own borders. I'm very proud of their nativeness, their open-minded way to interact with people and also of the fact that they stand by me - no matter what.
You have the chance to become the German Federal Commissioner for the Disabled. What would you do first?
Caroline Régnard-Mayer: Lowering high curbs and more parking spaces for the disabled in front of departments, theaters and schools. And I would like to take away the fear of being different from people - with the help of encounters.
Your life is made into a film: Who would represent you?
Caroline Régnard-Mayer: I would not want to be in public so much - and actually there isn't that much to tell. But I love the movie "Life is beautiful"! Such a sad movie. After this movie I loved my life even more! And I weeped bitterly.
I would like to be ...
Caroline Régnard-Mayer: healhy, without any pain and depression.
Which questions would you like answered the most?
Caroline Régnard-Mayer: Why do we deliver weapons to Syria and force people to escape? Peace has become a foreign word.
What I finally want to say...
Caroline Régnard-Mayer: I want to be treated equally, like a healthy person - even in professional life. With my blog I try to inform people about MS and those invisible symptoms. Many MS patients have difficulties to be understood because of their invisible symptoms. But sometimes "I cannot understand" means "I do not want to understand". That is why I would like people to listen and to try at least to understand that MS is the disease with thousand faces. And there are also some sad faces, you cannot always recognize at first sight.
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