Revolutionaries and free spirits are among his role models – no wonder then that Christian Bayerlein also likes to address unpleasant topics. Who would like to experience him live, has the opportunity at this years REHACARE forum on Friday. On he tells what his first official act as Federal Commissioner for the Disabled would be and what he would like to be part of.
Name: Christian Bayerlein Age: 43 City: Koblenz, Germany Occupation: Web developer at the German Federal Archives Impairment: I'm a wheeler with SMA (spinal muscular atrophy)
Christian Bayerlein: Most likely my own clumsiness and bizarre situations. But I also have a very dark sense of humor :-)
What have you always been wanting to do and why have you never done this so far?
Christian Bayerlein: Skydiving would be a good thing - or a flight on the ISS, although this is less a question of courage.
Which person has influenced you most? And why?
Christian Bayerlein: It is difficult for me to name a single person at this point. I think I was impressed and influenced by many people, mainly revolutionaries and free spirits :-)
Sexual self-determination of people with disabilities is a topic that is particularly important to Christian Bayerlein. If you want to learn more about it, you have the chance at REHACARE 2018 in the #ForumSelbstbestimmt (September 28th).
You have the chance to become the Commissioner for the Disabled. What would you do first?
Christian Bayerlein: Abolition of self-participation in integration assistance and radical downsizing of institutions so that everyone can receive personal assistance to meet their needs. I would also commit the private sector to accessibility. As the Federal Commissioner for the Disabled, one lacks the competence to do so. I would have to become Chancellor ;)
What is especially near and dear to you?
Christian Bayerlein: My friends and family.
I would like to be ...
Christian Bayerlein: .... part of a great scientific or cultural revolution.
Which question would you like answered the most?
Christian Bayerlein: What's 6x7? ;-)
What I finally want to say...
Christian Bayerlein: Don't let society tell you how to live.
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