What is especially near and dear to you?
Christian Kiermeier: My family and my friends, nothing comes after that for a long time. I simply want the people in my immediate environment to be as well off as possible.
I would like to be...
Christian Kiermeier: ...a time traveller. I am very curious about the question at what point society will be in 50, 100 or 200 years. Simply because I think that in the present we have to answer many important questions, which obviously is not easy for us.
Which question would you like answered the most?
Christian Kiermeier: The answer to the question about the meaning of life would be the classic one, wouldn't it? As you know, it is 42.
The questions that concern me and that I would like to have answered are more secular in nature. For example: How do we solve the questions of migration, inclusion, fair educational opportunities, social justice, pensions, etc.? I am aware that, as a rule, these are not particularly entertaining issues, but I think they are extremely important.
What I finally want to say...
Christian Kiermeier: It would be nice if people would manage to find themselves more again. Because that is the only way to really find to each other.