Living one’s life open-minded and true is a matter of course for Christoph Gockeln. In his eyes everybody should also be able to laugh about themselves. He actually really likes to do it. What else is near and dear to the politically commited programer and which two public persons he has a special relation to, he tells us on
Christoph Gockeln: Hmm, not too long ago. I think it was yesterday afernoon. Every once in a while I love to fool around - with friends or family. In those situations I can also laugh about myself. And that's exactly what happened yesterday. :)
What have you always been wanting to do and why have you never done this so far?
Christoph Gockeln: I have always wanted to go to America. But until some time ago I did not dare to step onto a plane. But now I have started with London and I hope to be able to fly to America soon.
Which person has influenced you most?
Christoph Gockeln: Difficult question. I think I cannot only mention one person. Most certainly my parents and siblings. Up to now they have always been by my side and helped me in difficult phases of my life. But there are also a lot of public persons who influenced me. Helmut Schmidt for example, with his straight and direct manner.
You have the chance to become the German Federal Commissioner for the Disabled. What would you do first?
Cristoph Gockeln: Probably I would accelerate inclusion pretty much. But not only in the field of education, but also social inclusion. In my opinion it is way too often only a lip service.
Your life is made into a film: Who would represent you? Christoph Gockeln: I could imagine Hugh Laurie (Dr. House) to represent me. His irony and his humor are just brilliant and I'm also often rumored to be like this.
I would like to be ...
Christoph Gockeln: a soccer player. It may sound weird to some, but it is just like that.
Which questions would you like answered the most?
Christoph Gockeln: Way too many, actually. Starting with questions concerning physics to political and social questions to questions concerning philosophy. Basically there are so many questions in all kind of fields I would like to have an answer to. But often there no easy answers available, and sometimes there is even no answer at all.
What I finally want to say...
Christoph Gockeln: Never give up. No matter what kind of disability you have, you should always try to make the very beste of it. It often helps to be self-ironic and to be able to laugh about yourself. Grimness and giving up are not an option.
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