Whether alone or in a team – the appropriate attitude is the be-all and end-all if you want to reach your goal. Cinderella Glücklich knows this from her own experience. Who she would first swear to the right team spirit and the necessary work ethic and which wishes and questions she deals with, she tells us on REHACARE.com.
Name: Cinderella Glücklich Age: 26 City: Limburg an der Lahn, Germany Occupation: Happy maker ;) Impairment: I have a walking disability.
Cinderella Glücklich: My horse Álfur & Luke Mockridge (Editor's note: A German comedian)
What have you always been wanting to do and why have you never done this so far?
Cinderella Glücklich: Spend at least three months in a lonely mountain cottage with solar power and spring water. I have 1. the feeling that I don't have enough money (how ironic) and 2. the fear that I won't be able to cope up there.
Which person has influenced you most? And why?
Cinderella Glücklich: Phew, there are so many people and it's hard to weigh them up, but I'd say: idea fitness coach Martin Gaedt. He is a mentor, best friend and replacement dad in one for me, for many years now. <3
You have the chance to become the Commissioner for the Disabled. What would you do first?
Cinderella Glücklich: I would gather all the staff and ministers who work directly with me in the ministry and would prepare them for a common work ethic and team spirit. If the atmosphere and the basis were not right, I could hardly achieve anything.
What is especially near and dear to you?
Cinderella Glücklich: My horse, my health and to make the world a little bit better every day.
I would like to be...
Cinderella Glücklich: very wealthy. I would like to have financial assets and more capacity to act at the same time. Both are connected for me and are mutually dependent.
Which question would you like answered the most?
Cinderella Glücklich: Why do people make war? How do we achieve peace? How can we better support mentally ill people and people who have gone astray? How can we stabilise our climate in the long term? How do we all manage to live sustainably and inclusive? What happens after death?
What I finally want to say...
Cinderella Glücklich: Find out who you really are, and then stand by yourself – without ifs or buts!
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