Coco de Bruycker wants to change the film industry - for people with disabilities. At the age of 21 the girl from Germany dreams big. Which goals she has and why she is not afraid of dancing in the London Underground but does not dare to be part of a flashmob, she tells us at
Coco de Bruycker: In February. I was dancing with a friend of mine in the London Underground.
What have you always been wanting to do and why have you never done this so far?
Coco de Bruycker: A flashmob. I did not dare yet because I'm afraid of being there alone.
Which person has influenced you most? And why?
Coco de Bruycker: My mom. She nows me for all my life and strenghtened my will to fight.
You have the chance to become the Commissioner for the Disabled in your country. What would you do first?
Coco de Bruycker: Convene a meeting with the subject: the abrogation of all political correct words for "disabilities". Let's discuss! How do we see ourselves? I do not see myself as a human being with special needs. Maybe I do have special goals...
Coco de Bruycker: Society should not tolerate disability, but accept it. It should be offering its arms naturally - even if not everyone has arms.
I would like to be ...
Coco de Bruycker: ...natural.
Which questions would you like answered the most?
Coco de Bruycker: Why are we watching that much and not talking to each other?
What I finally want to say?
Coco de Bruycker: If watching and talking comes together, it becomes a movie. I want to make the professional Acting Industry more accessible to disabled actors - you can help, no matter how many arms you have or if you are disabled or not. More about me and my project #NYCoco you can find on my website.
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