
We asked ... Hedwig Reiffs, Self-Help Organization of Physically Disabled Persons Bonn

"Comprehensive accessibility would benefit all of us"

What is it like when you have to manage everyday life in a wheelchair? And what effects do age-related limitations have on mobility? Interested parties can experience this with the help of a wheelchair course and an age simulation suit. spoke with Hedwig Reiffs from the Self-Help Organization of Physically Disabled Persons Bonn (German: Selbsthilfe Körperbehinderter Bonn e.V.), who recently attended this kind of adventure day in Bonn, Germany.


Photo: Hedwig Reiffs with a visitor and a wheelchair driver; Copyright: beta-web/Lormis

Hedwig Reiffs (standing) with a visitor and a wheelchair driver; © beta-web/Lormis

Photo: Hedwig Reiffs and two participants
Photo: A man in an age simulation suit walking down some stairs; © beta-web/Lormis
Photo: A man in an age simulation suit reading; Copyright: beta-web/Lormis
Photo: Nadine Lormis; Copyright: B. Frommann

© B. Frommann

Photo: Hand holding microphone; Copyright:
