Sport is her great passion, especially dancing. As the first certified Zumba® trainer, Conny Runge is now trying to establish wheelchair Zumba® as a fitness program. Which sports she would like to try and what else she is interested in besides sports, she tells us on
Name: Conny Runge Age: 40 City: Cologne, Germany Occupation:Rehabilitation field staff, event manager Impairment: Wheelchair user
Conny Runge: Much more than just crying. (Reminds me of the question: "What would you take to a lonely island?" :o) )
What have you always been wanting to do and why have you never done this so far?
Conny Runge: Skydiving and bungee jumping. Before my accident it was said: "too dangerous". And now there's no time :o)
Which person has influenced you most? And why?
Conny Runge: My parents: their values and how they stand behind me. I want to be such a role model myself for once.
You have the chance to become the Commissioner for the Disabled in your country. What would you do first?
Conny Runge: I would like to use the "ask the audience" lifeline for this question.
Conny Runge is Germany's first licensed Zumba® trainer in a wheelchair. She gives wheelchair Zumba® courses for all those who enjoy movement and music and may not feel quite as comfortable in other wheelchair sports.
What is especially near and dear to you?
Conny Runge: Love, family, friendship, sports.
I would like to be ...
Conny Runge: THE avatar (but as a woman).
Which question would you like to get answered?
Conny Runge: How can I establish wheelchair Zumba® as a fitness program?
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