
Corinna Baumhoer - That's how she rolls

Not every impairment is obvious at first sight. And if they are not able to see somethhing, the other ones often think you are healthy. This is an experience Corinna Baumhoer has often made so far. What many people don’t see and don’t understand: Her chronic disease brings her to her borders. Where they are and how she handles with them and her fellows, she tells us on


Photo: Corinna Baumhoer; Copyright: private

Corinna Baumhoer; © private

Photo: Corinna Baumhoer; Copyright: private

Usually Corinna Baumhoer writes about topics like farm life, animals, plants or people in the country. But she also wants to raise awareness for invisible diseases. Because: "You should always consider that a person is completely different from what you think."; © private

Grafik: So tickt; Copyright: beta-web/Schmitz

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