What makes you laugh?
Dominique Kogut: My assistant dog Miss Rosalie.
What have you always been wanting to do and why have you never done this so far?
Dominique Kogut: I have always wanted to write a book that will be published and available in the bookstores. But I am very self-critical and I don't think my writing style is good enough. And on the other hand, I'm not sure if my topics would be interesting enough for a larger audience. But I'll stay tuned and maybe this will work some day. ;-)
Which person has influenced you most? And why?
Dominique Kogut: I think everyone is affecting me somehow. On the one hand, those who motivate me and drive me to keep up, but above all those who don't trust me with certain things. This only spurs me even more to find a way to create something "impossible"!
You have the chance to become the Commissioner for the Disabled in your country. What would you do first?
Dominique Kogut: There are many important topics, but in my opinion, the topic of assistance and companion dogs has been neglected lately. On the one hand, there are still no standard regulations that specify that the trained dogs may be taken everywhere (enlightenment would be very important here). On the other hand there are still no nationally recognized training guidelines and examinations, both for the dogs and for the trainers! There is a lot going wrong at the moment and I see an urgent need for action!