A life-threatening fall while ice-climbing could not take Felix Brunner's adventurous love for the mountains. Four years after his accident, he became the first wheelchair-driver crossing the Alps on a handbike. For the next year he plans to participate at the Paralympic Games, competing in ski racing. Why he does not believe in limits but believes in German pupils, he tells us at REHACARE.com.
Name: Felix Brunner Age: 27 City: Allgäu, Germany Occupation: Motivator, speaker Impairment: After an accident in 2009 I'm using a wheelchair
Felix Brunner: When somebody asked me, if I would also use my wheelchair after I had a drink or two.
What have you always been wanting to do and why have you never done this so far?
Felix Brunner: That is not a question I am asking myself. I'm just doing what I'm passionate about. Limits only exist in our heads.
Which person has influenced you most? And why?
Felix Brunner: My family, because they showed me what life means, how important solidarity is and that goals in life are worth fighting for.
You have the chance to become the Commissioner for the Disabled in your country. What would you do first?
Felix Brunner: Enforcing the so called Federal Participation Law for people with disabilities without compromise so that there are no income limits and disadvantages anymore.
Felix Brunner loves the mountains no matter if summer or winter. The Paralympic Games in Pyeong Chang 2018 are his big aim. He wants to compete with the other athletes in the disciplines of slalom and giant slalom.
What matters most to you?
Felix Brunner: In Germany there are no educational programs for pupils to learn about people with disabilities in our society. I would love to change that because those pupils are our future.
I would like to be ...
Felix Brunner: I do not use the subjunctive in my scheme of life.
Which questions would you like answered the most?
Felix Brunner: Why are so many VIPs and (healthy) athletes following the project "Wings for Life" greenly and imprudently? This whole money making procedure has nothing to do with inclusion and the pursued goal is complete rubbish.
What I finally want to say?
Felix Brunner: Failure is a wonderful chance for a fresh start! From the moment you are accepting it.
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