What is especially near and dear to you?
Franziska Wetzl: That no one is alone with the issue of disability or illness. And that no one has to do that alone with themselves. This is not an individual "problem" that would only concern those affected and that they would have to "solve" it on their own. The environment, the economy, society – simply everyone is in demand. Only if all contribute their part, an environment can develop, in which place is for humans with any kind of impairment – all the same whether on the family celebration, at the job or in public mechanisms. And that is also good news: Anyone can do something!
I would like to be...
Franziska Wetzl: Owner of a "Wishing-Table". I imagine that to be great. It could serve me the tastiest food anytime and anywhere, without having to lift a finger. I would defend that like the squirrel from Ice Age would defend its nut. Hopefully without triggering an ice age.
Which question would you like answered the most?
Franziska Wetzl: Thought big: How we can achieve that people can live well with each other and with animals and the environment, i.e. peacefully, happily and in harmony. And how we can heal diseases. Thought small: What I can do to lead a good, i.e. as healthy, independent and good life as possible. And where I can get a "Wishing-Table" from.
What else I wanted to say...
Franziska Wetzl: That we never have to surrender to our "destiny". No matter what that looks like. There are things that happen that overtax us. We cannot undo them or always prevent them. But we can always choose how we deal with them. We can always decide to become active. And if it's only on a small scale; if it's only in our heads, if we change something. We can always make a difference. In the "big" world, and in our own very small world.