
HelpCamps: "Making assistive technology faster, more affordable and personalized"

We asked Cinderella Glücklich, project assistant in the HelpCamps core team


Photo: Cinderella and Niels of HelpCamps; Copyright: HelpCamps

Project leader Niels Lichtenthäler and Cinderella Glücklich, project assistant are the HelpCamps core team and are supported by many helping hands to making assistive technology faster, more affordable and personalized.

Image: The HelpCamps logo - two hands overlapping with a gear wheel in the middle; Copyright: BGG Arbitration Body

HelpCamps is funded by the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research and aims to "create a coworking network that will make it easier to produce assistive technology tools in a more affordable, faster and especially more personalized fashion than was previously the case."

Photo: Nadine Lormis; Copyright: private

© private

Photo: Hand holding microphone; Copyright:
