Her family is really near and dear to Ina Schallenberg, especially her son Jayden. To what extend her loved-ones are also the reason to not letting a dream come true, what she thinks about the Federal Participation Law and why Mila Kunis should represent her in a movie about her life, she tells us at REHACARE.com.
Your life is made into a film: Who would represent you?
Ina Schallenbergr: Phew... difficult question. Maybe Mila Kunis because she is very straightforward and natural and she also has an awesome sense of humor.
I would like to be ...
Ina Schallenberg: a man for a couple of days. =)
Which questions would you like answered the most?
Ina Schallenberg: Why do the most delicious things make you gain weight? Why is there so much injustice in the world?
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