
Inclusive education: "Children of Utopia" creates new perspectives

We asked Tina Sander, public relations manager, mittendrin e.V.


Photo: Tina Sander; Copyright: Manfred Wegener/mittendrin e.V.

Tina Sander

Photo: Director talks to two young women who are involved in the film "The Children of Utopia"; Copyright: M. Bothor

Natalie (left) and Luca (right) went together to an inclusion class at a primary school in Berlin. Director Hubertus Siegert published the film "Klassenleben" in 2005. Now on 15 May there will be a Germany-wide action evening for his follow-up film "Children of Utopia".

Photo: Nadine Lormis; Copyright: private
Photo: Hand holding microphone; Copyright:
