Since the video has no English captions, you can read the translation of what was said right here:
Barbara Stöckel: What does inclusion mean to you? Is it a real concern for you or do you say, "I just live my life as it comes with the problems I face, my job and my interests – let others take care of it."?
Habacher: To me, inclusion means if one of my Facebook friends whom I have chatted and shared photos with extensively over the past three weeks – meaning, someone I don’t see every day – hosts a birthday party, sends me a Facebook invitation and I am able to go. And I am able to go inside the restaurant, am able to use the restroom there and get a little drunk with that person. And if that works out well…
Stöckel: Which order takes priority in this case? I have an idea...
Habacher: Walking in the door and the restroom. Then I can decide whether I get drunk or not. (laughs)
Stöckel: But first you have to get drunk and then you need to use the restroom.
Habacher: No, first I need to see whether the restroom works for me. If I am already drunk and then start to look for a restroom, things will take a tragic turn.
Stöckel: I get it ... (laughs)