Jörg Dommershausen takes comprehensive care of his clients: He helps those affected to cope with changed circumstances in their professional and private lives after serious accidents. In addition to his counselling services, Dommershausen also produces two (German) podcasts and a guide. What is indispensable for his work with his clients and how he otherwise rolls, he tells us on REHACARE.com.
Name: Jörg Dommershausen Age: Mid 50's City: Oldenburg, Germany Occupation: Rehab Manager, Rehab Coach, Author, Podcast producer (Relation to the topic) impairment: Every day I accompany people with disabilities after a serious road accident.
Jörg Dommershausen: Having a coffee in the morning in peace.
Which auxiliary means or daily living aids are indispensable for you?
Jörg Dommershausen: My car, my mobile phone, my computer. Without these tools I cannot reach my clients, I cannot initiate measures and support for participation. The basic prerequisite for my work is communication and mobility. What would you like to see from society and your fellow people in dealing with people with disabilities?
Jörg Dommershausen: Less "ME" and more "WE".
Which assistive device would urgently need to be invented and/or improved?
Jörg Dommershausen: Assistive devices are in a constant state of change and renewal. Prosthetic fittings in the 1980s, when I first became involved in rehabilitation, were completely different from what they are now. The same applies to wheelchairs, for example. The development will continue, but not as fast as many would like. It would be more important to have more competition in some areas in order to make progress and less market dominance.
What has been your biggest challenge so far that you have mastered – and what has helped you to do so?
Jörg Dommershausen: The biggest challenge in my life so far has been the change from civil servant to entrepreneur. My family, friends, funding agencies and great clients (accident victims), who have always encouraged me, have helped me here.
What can the assistive technology industry learn from the Corona pandemic to make life easier and/or better for people with disabilities in the future?
Jörg Dommershausen: Listen more to what is really needed. The decisive factor should not be the desire of the manufacturers to earn as much money as possible, but to find solutions to supply problems and participation problems.
If nothing would be impossible: Who would you like to meet one day and why?
Jörg Dommershausen: My grandfathers, both died shortly before the end of the Second World War. I would ask them how they coped with their personal crises.
What was your best REHACARE experience?
Jörg Dommershausen: There is not just one best experience. All conversations and contacts with affected persons and service providers were productive.
What I finally want to say...
Jörg Dommershausen: Since 2014, I have been running a free podcast called "Auf geht's – der Reha-Podcast!" and since last year, another podcast called "Auf geht's - der Reha-Blog!". Both podcast formats are in German and can be listened free of charge via all the usual providers. With "Auf geht's – hab Mut!" I have written a guide for accident victims on how to tackle the life crisis. The book is in German and available on all platforms as an eBook or as a paper book.
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