Equal opportunities and acceptance of everybody by everybody – this is what is near and dear to Jochen Wier. For him this can be lowered curb stones as well as an unconditional basic income. What has been hindering him from paragliding until now and why would like to be blind for a certain amount of time, he tells us at REHACARE.com.
Name: Jochen Wier Age: 25 City: Heidelberg, Germany Occupation: Confectioner, Media Designer, currently trainee for office management Impairment: Missing arm (left) and both lower legs
When did you last laugh heartily and what about?
Jochen Wier: This morning with my colleagues about several everyday situations. Actually I can laugh about almost everything if it is appropriate.
What have you always been wanting to do and why have you never done this so far?
Jochen Wier: Paragliding - but I did not have enough money for it until now. And lowering all curb stones - but I do not have the necessary machines for it at the moment. ;)
Which person has influenced you most?
Jochen Wier: A good friend of mine who is very polite, respectful and open-minded. He wants and knows how to protect one's own life and the lifes of others. Actually everybody I spend time with is a role model for me.
You have the chance to become the German Federal Commissioner for the Disabled. What would you do first?
Jochen Wier: Introducing an unconditional basic income for everybody - based on a concept which does not support being lazy but offers opportunities to work and ensures the basis of existence for everybody. And maybe I would also make sure that our country follows the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities.
I would like to be ...
Jochen Wier: blind so that I can evaluate the world surrounding us every day in an aware and unprejudiced way.
Which questions would you like answered the most?
Jochen Wier: Why do people bite the hand that feeds them?
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