Whether in terms of education or mobility – Julia Dumsky wishes for a world in which all people have the same opportunities and which has overcome the climate crisis. Because human rights and nature are particularly close to her heart. How she otherwise rolls, she tells us on REHACARE.com.
Name: Julia Dumsky Age: 31 City: Allershausen, Germany Occupation: Civil servant Impairment: own severe disability and involvement in the field of inclusion/intersectionality
What have you always been wanting to do and why have you never done this so far?
Julia Dumsky: Paragliding. It hasn't happened yet. But I would dare.
Which person has influenced you most? And why?
Julia Dumsky: My mother! Without my mother I would never have made the leap from an institution for children with learning difficulties to the regular school system. You have the chance to become the Commissioner for the Disabled. What would you do first?
Julia Dumsky: Subsidise transport services for people with reduced mobility in such a way that they can use them for their leisure activities at the same price as public transport, unless the public transport system is designed to be accessible across the board.
What is especially near and dear to you?
Julia Dumsky: Nature and its preservation. Human rights for all people without exception, not only in writing, but also in living and consistently enforcing them at all levels without cost-benefit considerations! Cooperation instead of competition!
I would like to be ...
Julia Dumsky: a bird.
Which question would you like to be answered the most?
Julia Dumsky: Will it still be possible to mitigate the drastic consequences of anthropogenic climate warming and thus preserve the basis of our human life for the future?
What I still wanted to say...
Julia Dumsky: "It never, ever matters what we have to expect from life, only what life expects of us." (Quote by Viktor E. Frankl)
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