You have the chance to become the German Federal Commissioner for the Disabled. What would you do first?
Kim Elena do Calvário Moquenco: That is a difficult task because there are many things that have to be done! I'd like to psychologically train the nursing staff in care facilities. Furthermore, I would abolish the law around the income and fortune limit which concern the people who are dependent on assistance. I think it's a shame that these people cannot save more than 2,600 euros. I'd like to talk to Mr Schäuble and all the other high-ranking politicians of our country. I'd like to ask them why the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities is being implemented so slowly and whether they are interested at all in implementing it.
Moreover, I would launch a media campaign that draws society's attention at the interests of people with disabilities and that at the same time destroys the barriers and inhibitions in the minds of our society. In this campaign, I'd let the people with disabilities talk and give them a voice.
Your life is made into a film: Who would represent you?
Kim Elena do Calvário Moquenco: I can't answer this question because there isn't a person who could represent me. Sure, there are people in my surrounding who witness with which challenges I am confronted every day. But nobody can reflect and show my feelings for certain situations and topics like myself.
I don't know how you feel, but for me it is particularly bad to see a person with disabilities being played by a healthy actor. I ask myself, why this is the case. This actor can never convey the story with all its highs and lows like the person who has lived through them or who was confronted with something similar.
I would like to be ...
Kim Elena do Calvário Moquenco: To be honest, I don't want to be anyone else. Until now my life was most certainly not very easy, but I lived through all ups and downs and I feel strong. I wish that in some situations the hurdles wouldn't have been this many. But everyone has to carry his or hers burden. One person a heavier and one person a lighter one. The most important thing is what we make of it.
Which questions would you like answered the most?
Kim Elena do Calvário Moquenco: Who is up there and comes up with all these life stories and why.
What I finally want to say...
Kim Elena do Calvário Moquenco: … is that we all have to stand together to promote and to improve the rights of people with disabilities. Stand for yourself and never give up. Follow your dreams and get out of your comfort zone and try something new. Then, we can accomplish quite a few things.