Literature in Easy Language is still an exception. That's why writer Kristof Magnusson floats against the tide and writes books in at least Simple Language. What he has never written before, but would like to and how he is connected to Iceland, he tells at
Name: Kristof Magnusson Age: 41 City: Berlin, Germany Occupation: Writer who writes literature in Simple Language, such as the books "Doctor's novel" (German: Arztroman) or "Instructions for use for Iceland" (German: Gebrauchsanweisung für Island).
What have you always been wanting to do and why have you never done this so far?
Kristof Magnusson: Writing really cheesy poems! And lyrics! I've never done this before, not even as a teenager. I don't know why either.
Which person has influenced you most? And why?
Kristof Magnusson: Certainly my partner and my parents. But also the growing up between Germany and Iceland, two so fundamentally different worlds.
You have the chance to become the Commissioner for the Disabled in your country. What would you do first?
Kristof Magnusson: I think I would have to listen to a lot of people first to find out where there is the most urgent need for action.
Kristof Magnusson is one of the authors who participated in the project "Frankfurt. This is your story. Literature in Simple Language". Read more about this in the interview linked below.
What is it, that is most important to you?
Kristof Magnusson: That you don't lose your sense of humour when discussing serious topics.
I would like to be ...
Kristof Magnusson: Singer and dancer in the musical "West Side Story".
Which questions would you like answered the most?
Kristof Magnusson: I would like to know what kind of people wrote the old Icelandic sagas. I have spent a lot of time translating these sagas and feel very close to the authors - but unfortunately no one knows who they were.
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