When did you last laugh heartily and what about?
Lea Voitel: I went to a Music Festival with one of my girlfriends last weekend. The weather could not have been worse. And to make this really interesting, we camped out…nevertheless, we had loads of fun, simply because this venture was actually possible. By myself, self-determined, no help from mom or dad. On that weekend, I was simply one of 30,000 people. That was a feeling that had me burst out laughing with joy!
What have you always been wanting to do and why have you never done this so far?
Lea Voitel: I have wanted to write a book for quite some time now but there are tons of biographies of people with disabilities being published right now. So far, I wasn’t able to find the unique detail that would set me apart from all the others. But I continue to look for it!
Which person has influenced you most? And why?
Lea Voitel: It’s pretty difficult to limit this to one particular person. Obviously, my parents and grandparents, who taught me great values and showed me how to fight. Next are my sister and her incredibly loving nature and ambition. I definitely took a page from her. My German teacher in high school, who helped me to discover writing, my greatest strength. But not just that: I also more or less became an adult during this time. YAT-Reisen, the travel agency for people with disabilities that I always use when I travel, also helped me to find my dream job and fulfillment in self-determined travel. Last but not least, my "Potsdam family" that goes through thick and thin with me and is always there when I need it and opens up new possibilities I never thought were possible. I am so grateful for all of these wonderful people!