You have the chance to become the Commissioner for the Disabled in your country. What would you do first?
Lisa Schütte: I would turn to all concerned persons and tell them, that they can count on me, that they can write or tell me, what I could do for them. A better understanding for people with disabilities in our society would be important to me.
Your life is made into a film: Who would represent you?
Lisa Schütte: I would feel honored if Emma Watson would play my part. She accomplished a lot and steps up for women‘s rights.
I would like to be ...
Lisa Schütte: A lot. But the most important to me is being a beloved person, looking back on my life and being pleased. And maybe I would like to be batman.
Which questions would you like answered the most?
Lisa Schütte: It may sounds like a cliché, but I would like to get an answer to the question "why". Why is there a disease like diabetes type 1? Why do some of our beloved ones leave way too early in our life? But for questions like that, life has probably no satisfying answer.
What I finally want to say?
Lisa Schütte: Everyone has his cross to bear. But as we do not know how heavy it weighs, we should not judge other people. And: do not grow old completely!