The world is colorful! According to this principle Lukas Krämer tries to encourage other people with disabilities and at the same time to break down prejudices of non-disabled people. Why he got into politics and what his first act as the Commissioner for the Disabled would be, he tells us at
Name: Lukas Krämer Age: 25 City: Thalfang / Germany Occupation: YouTuber Impairment: I do have learning disabilities
What have you always been wanting to do and why have you never done this so far?
Lukas Krämer: I always wanted to be working on a political agenda. In the following weeks I will start at the Bündnis 90 die Grünen (a German party; editor's note).
Which person has influenced you most? And why?
Lukas Krämer: Andreas Klee, who has been my carer since I was 10 years old. When I was 15, we made a short film together about my disability. It's called "London liegt am Nordpol" (English: "London is at the North Pole").
You have the chance to become the Commissioner for the Disabled. What would you do first?
Lukas Krämer: More rights for people with disabilities and that you get the minimum wage in those so called workshops for people with disabilities (a form of paid work intended for integration or integration into the primary labour market, consisting of production or service tasks. However, workers do not receive the minimum wage; editor's note).
Being famous is something Lukas Kraemer dreams of. Maybe one day he will get to the German Reichstag as a politician. His wish to get political involved he has already accomplished.
What is especially near and dear to you?
Lukas Krämer: To stand up for the rights of people with disabilities.
I would like to be ...
Lukas Krämer: ...famous.
Which question would you like answered the most?
Lukas Krämer: At the moment I do not have unanswered questions.
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