Gripability presents its gripping and grasping aids in a sheltered workshop not far from Frankfurt.
The director of the sheltered workshop, Mr. Lehr, is excited about the possibilities that Gripability products open up for his employees: "Gripability e3 is a mobile electro-pneumatic gripping aid which enables people with restricted or missing hand-function a wide active participation in facilitation, therapy and learning environments," he explains.
To benefit from Gripability e3 the user is provided with a small electro-pneumatic grip which is easily fixed to the hand, head or other part of the body as individually adapted.
Adjustments are quick and simple to make, enhancing the motivational, creative and playful aspects of work and therapy time.
Mr. Lehr concludes: "I am completely convinced of what I saw. The e3’s strong adaptability provide the individual with the possibility to have the flexibility to use this system in both working and private environments, greatly enhancing self-confidence, productiveness and motivational positivity."