People with dementia: their
memories vanish like leaves from
the tree; ©
Dementia diseases affect more and more people - there are currently about 35 million patients worldwide. By 2050 the number will rise to an estimated 115 million. In order to raise attention for the situation of Alzheimer's patients, every year on 21 September, the World Alzheimer's Day takes place.
The global topic for World Alzheimer's Day 2012 is "Dementia. Living together." Therefore a peaceful coexistence within the family, in care homes, villages or neighborhoods should be recognised. Several regional events worldwide inform patients, their families and other interested parties.
Read more about Alzheimer's disease and Dementia:
- Focus: Alzheimer's/Dementia
- Click Tips: Alzheimer Disease
- Living with Dementia and Making Decisions
- VIDEO: Dementia: Understanding the Patient Brings Better Care