
Digitization: Harnessing the power of inclusion to create more accessible workplaces


Photo: Hands operating a laptop equipped with assistive technologies for blind and visually impaired people; Copyright: Michel Arriens |

Technical aids as well as the general increase in digitization make professional participation for people with various disabilities more and more possible.

Photo: Christoph Metzler; Copyright: Institut der deutschen Wirtschaft Köln

Together with his colleagues at KOFA and in other projects, Christoph Metzler has been working a lot on inclusion and professional participation in recent years. His own severe visual impairment opens up another perspective for him besides the scientific one.

Digitization drives inclusion

Photo: Andrea Kurtenacker; Copyright: IW Köln

Inclusion of people with disabilities in the workplace in times of digitization – Andrea Kurtenacker and her colleagues dealt with this topic in a representative company survey.

Coronavirus pandemic fast-tracks digital working environments

Photo: Nadine Lormis; Copyright: private

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