What kind of workplace accommodations have been made to make your life easier?
Winkler: My workplace has technically already been in place since I simply transferred the assistive technology I already obtained while I worked in my previous job. I received direct financial aid, which means I own the auxiliary aids and services.
I got my first workplace accommodations in 2010 for my first position at a school. It consisted of my notebook computer since at least 20 percent of my job is out in the field. This also includes a 40 character Braille display, and an integrated book edge scanner, which has since been replaced by a camera system.
I use JAWS as a computer screen reader program, OpenBook for optical character recognition of written text, and a keyboard with a key location system, which was included in my notebook computer. I also have a personal assistant who has access to my PC but has his own monitor, mouse, and keyboard.
Soon we will add a hyper-pin Braille plate system to this setup, which has been approved by the Integration Office. I frequently work with graphic displays and TU Dresden colleagues have developed an accessible graphics workstation plus a collaborative drawing station with a personal attendant. We will feature the hyper-pin Braille plate system in both of these workstations in the future. I can then either draw something myself or my assistant draws something and I check whether the tactile graphics accurately convey the non-textual information.
Despite your accessible workplace accommodations, are there still obstacles you have to overcome?
Winkler: Sometimes I come across inaccessible graphics files or scans. If I am alone, I typically use my optical character recognition system to tackle the task. If my personal attendant is available and the character recognition software cannot assist, I ask him for help to overcome this obstacle.
My personal attendant primarily needs to accompany me when I go out in the field. Occasionally, I have site visits that are scheduled on short notice and my helper might not be at the office. Usually, I ask one of my colleagues to come with me instead. We typically find a solution.