
Touchdown: People with Down's syndrome teach


Image: Collage with portraits from people with Down's syndrome; Copyright: beta-web/Dindas

36 portraits from people with Down's syndrome shows how varied and unique they are; © beta-web/Dindas

People with and without Down's syndrome guide through the exhibition in tandem

Bild: Team of the Touchdown 21 project at a table; Copyright: Hanna Witte

The Touchdown 21 team from left to right: Webmaster Anne Leichtfuß, Project leadership Dr. Katja de Bragança, helper Anna-Lisa Plettenberg and Dr. Katja Weiske, © Hanna Witte

"You don't want to always be gawked at"

Enormous interest in the exhibition

Photo gallery: Touchdown - a exhibition from and with people with Down's syndrome

Image: a comic picture of aliens when they reached earth; Copyright: beta-web/Dindas
The exposition of the exhibition: a fictitious story of a mission, "First Mission" that landed on earth 5,000 years ago from the planet Kumusi. They like it on our planet, they get children and spread around the world. The flag shows a representation of the triple 21st chromosome in the cell.
Image: two displays show a man and a woman with Down's syndrome; Copyright: beta-web/Dindas
Anna-Lisa Plettenberg and Julian Göpel expose themselves to the views of the visitors. Many people with Down's syndrome are often stared at in public, such in buses and trains.
Image: wood figure of a man with Down's syndrome; Copyright: beta-web/Dindas
The artist Markus Keller specializes in the production of figures of people with Down's syndome. The figure Otto was manufactured in 2012. Keller carves life-like figures, but also different scales.
Image: Skeleton; Copyright: beta-web/Dindas
The exhibition raises the question: Is it possible to recognize from a skeleton whether a person had trisomy 21? This exhibit turned out to be not so. The skull was examined for this.
Image: Smoking and bridal dress; Copyright: beta-web/Dindas
The themes of love, partnership and wedding play an important role in "touchdown". The bridal dress by Birgit Ziegert was embroidered with different animal motifs and inscribed with names. Indeed, it has no armholes.
Image: Ceramic figure of a boy; Copyright: beta-web/Dindas
The ceramic figure of a child of Olmecian culture from Central or Western Mexico from 1400 to 1200 before Christ is said to show that Down's syndrome was already present before John Langdon-Down discovered it.
Image: Painting of the adoration of Christ; Copyright: beta-web/Dindas
A student of Jan Joest van Kalkar from the Netherlands painted the painting "Nocturnal Adoration of the Christ Child" around 1515. At this time, nothing was known about Down's syndrome. Have they been portrayed as angels?
Image: Painting with a lot of buildings; Copyright: beta-web/Dindas
In 2015, Susanne Kümpel drew the picture titled "The Golden Centuries". According to the title, it represents the coliseum of Italy, a lion, walls, columns and a tree trunk.
Image: Wall carpet with colorful embroideries; Copyright: beta-web/Dindas
The colorful embroidered wall carpet by Birgit Ziegert from the year 2014 reminds us of an underwater world with many special creatures.
Image: Portrait of John Langdon-Down; Copyright: beta-web/Dindas
John Langdon-Down influenced the term Down' syndrome with his name. He called it "Mongolism" in his time. At the age of 18, he first met a girl with trisomy 21. 33 years later, after his medical studies, he wrote down this meeting.
Image: Carpet with pictures of chromosomes; Copyright: beta-web/Dindas
The wall carpet of Jeanne-Marie Mohn shows all 47 chromosomes of a human with trisomy 21. The chromosomes were embroidered in the form of a karyogram (ordered representation in the cell).
Image: Old book with paintings; Copyright: beta-web/Dindas
An extract of the Saxonian mirror (Sachsenspiegel) and the Saxon feudal right. It says that people with disabilities are allowed to inherit, just like everyone else. In addition, their relatives must look after them and promote them.
Image: Lorraine Dindas; Copyright: B. Frommann

© B. Frommann

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