
Aphasia as an invisible companion in education and career


Photo: Leonie Höpfner sitting at her desk and working with her laptop; Copyright: private

In university as well as in my career plans everything is a about language and communication. But my aphasia cannot keep me away from realizing my dreams; © private

Photo: Leonie Höpfner smiling into the camera; Copyright: private

© private

Aphasia and lupus – invisible parts of me

Photo: Leonie Höpfner holding her disabled person's pass and purse while in a train ; Copyright: private

When I take the train, conductors often don’t believe that I have a disability – even when I show them my disabled person's pass. Like one time, when she gave me a disparaging look and was still skeptical. My disability is invisible. Sadly, people assume I am simulating my disability; © private

Photo: Leonie Höpfner; Copyright: private

© private

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