In September 2017, the "Handlungskonzept zur Weiterentwicklung von inklusiven Kinder- und Jugendreisen" (English: Action Plan to Promote Inclusive Travel for Children and Young People) was published. What is its objective?
Dubiski: This strategic action plan was developed as part of a three-year project funded by the Ministry for Children, Family, Refugees and Integration of North Rhine-Westphalia (Ministerium für Kinder, Familie, Flüchtlinge und Integration NRW) and was implemented at the TH Köln in collaboration with transfer e.V. Between September 2014 and September 2017, a network of children and youth work experts and disability support specialists, community stakeholders, association and self-advocacy representatives, delegates of travel businesses and accommodation facilities was founded to discuss recent developments, identify mutual subject matters and concerns and start a shared conversation. A variety of aspects that ranged from key pedagogical terminology – such as participation – to practical concerns pertaining to the planning and organization of a trip were being discussed – both at a central network meeting and at a working committee, which formed within the network and collaborated on a smaller scale.
One result of the lively discussions during the initial network meetings was the decision to create a shared vision of inclusive children and adolescent travels and to develop shared basic standards for inclusive pedagogical children and adolescent travel. It served as the foundation to subsequently suggest a sustainable development strategy at both a structural and supporting level. Over the next months, the action plan was drawn up, discussed, supplemented and changed in several sessions by the "Austausch zwischen Behindertenhilfe und Jugendarbeit" (Communication between Disability Support and Youth Work) working committee, the TH Köln team of the Non-Formal Education research unit and the network.
What is the objective that’s being pursued here?
Dubiski: The action plan wants to contribute to the further development of travel options for all children and adolescents and simultaneously advance the field of pedagogical children and adolescent travel. It wants to be considered a working paper – in the sense that it invites further conceptual development, while it also seeks to be the foundation for individual discussion and reflection at the same time.
The overarching key objectives and action items were broken down into concrete measures, while reflective questions spark exchange and discussion. However, the measures and questions are meant to serve as examples and don’t constitute a comprehensive, conclusive list. Likewise, it is also not a "checklist" that needs to be completed to get the seal of "inclusion".
Who is the intended audience of this strategic action plan?
Dubiski: The action plan is aimed at the children and adolescent travel scene, individual supporting organizations, as well as full-time employees and volunteers. It is meant to provide a basis for a personal reflection on the subject.