
"Every generation of activists has its own issues and concerns"


Photo: Raul Krauthausen smiles into the camera; Copyright: Andi Weiland |

Always connected, always active - as an activist, Raul Krauthausen never really finishes working.

Photo: Raul Krauthausen with Dr. Ilja Seifert in Berlin in front of a big cage; Copyright: Andi Weiland | Gesellschaftsbilder. de

Both offline and online, the protests for a better Federal Participation Law war under the motto: #nichtmeingesetz (English: not my law). Here, Krauthausen can be seen talking to Dr. Ilja Seifert during a symbolic "cage action" on Washington Square in front of Berlin's main train station.

Photo: Raul Krauthausen speaks into a microphone while chained to a fence; Copyright: Andi Weiland | Gesellschaftsbilder. de

The Federal Participation Law led to numerous protests in 2016: On 11 May 2016, activists chained themselves up near the Basic Law panels in the Bundestag for a good Federal Participation Law. Raul Krauthausen was also put in chains there.

Photo: Nadine Lormis; Copyright: private

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