
Education and work: Inclusion still a foreign concept


Photo: A letter from the Federal Employment Agency; Copyright: Andi Weiland |

If you have overcome the hurdles of school and apprenticeship or university, as a disabled person in Germany you usually face the biggest barrier: finding a job.

Beacons for Inclusion

Photo: Four pupils sitting at a desk in their classroom. One of them is using a wheelchair; Copyright: Andi Weiland |

Schools like the Sophie-Scholl School in Berlin show how inclusion can succeed and universities are also geared towards students with disabilities in many places. If inclusion is not an issue right from the start, it would be no problem to find a job later.

Barriers to study and job search

Graphic: Logo

New name:

Photo: A young woman pouring drinks in a cafe; Copyright: Andi Weiland |

Bureaucratic barriers make access to the labour market difficult for people with disabilities and discourage potential employers.

More flexibility and less bureaucracy are the magic words

Photo:The future carpenter David Völzmann at his work; Copyright: Jörg Farys |

Being flexible and making compromises, not only expecting the employer to accommodate you - then it also works with an employment, according to David Völzmann.

Germany and the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities

Photo: Anne Hofmann; Copyright: private

Read more editorials in Topic of the Month's November here: