In a conversation with, project coordinator Annetraud Grote talked about the experiences and gave a project summary.
Ms. Grote, the !NkA project was completed in September 2018. How was it set up and organized?
Annetraud Grote: Supported by the Federal Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs (BMAS), the UnternehmensForum e.V.- along with a strong network of schools, companies, public authorities, the Federal Employment Agency, Integration Offices, Chambers of Crafts and Trade, Industry and Commerce and other stakeholders in education- has initiated the “Inklusive Ausbildung von Jugendlichen mit und ohne Behinderung” project (!nkA), which was coordinated by the Paul Ehrlich Institute. Nationwide, 38 apprentices with severe disabilities were hired in 2013, 2014 and 2015 in a variety of professions by twelve employers in the business and public service sectors. The apprentices completed their vocational training alongside adolescents without disabilities.
Young people with visual and hearing impairments, physical disabilities, internal disorders and multiple sclerosis, as well as young people on the autism spectrum, received vocational training. In their search for a fitting apprenticeship, the young people with disabilities were assisted by project coordination and job listings that specifically targeted young people with disabilities.
The young adults with severe disabilities completed their dual vocational training at the different employer sites alongside other apprentices without disabilities, who applied through the normal channels. During this time, the apprentices with severe disabilities attended eight !nkA seminars and eight project meetings with the participating companies and project partners.
How many adolescents with disabilities have been successfully placed and completed their vocational training within the scope of this project?
Grote: Of the original 38 apprentices with severe disabilities, 34 have successfully completed their education and 27 were directly hired after training completion. Two people are still in training and two have unfortunately canceled their apprenticeship before completion. One apprentice now continues her studies at college after she had graduated.