
Accessibility as the basis of an inclusive shopping experience concept


Photo: Employees at Starbucks Signing Store selling coffee in ASL; Copyright: Joshua Trujillo | Starbucks Stories

Last year, a Starbucks branch opened in Washington DC where baristas sell coffee drinks in ASL.

Autism Aware stores curb sensory overload

Graphic: A store map showing where loud noises can be heard or unpleasant odours are noticeable; Copyright: Lidl Ireland

The Lidl branches in Ireland have autism-friendly opening hours. At the supermarket entrance, parents with autistic children, for example, can find out where disturbing sources of noise or odours are in the market and then bypass them.

#AutismHour – simple changes, big impact

Photo: A mural developed by a deaf artist represents the link between Deaf Community and love for coffee; Photo: Joshua Trujillo | Starbucks Stories

By the way, the Signing Store in Washington, D.C was actually not the first of its kind in the history of Starbucks. The company already opened a store in 2016 in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia with nine deaf associates. Its American counterpart employs 25 staff members.

Accessibility and inclusion a social responsibility

Photo: Anne Hofmann; Copyright: private

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