
Accessible retail: Status quo and industry trends


Photo: A shop owner who allows a wheelchair user access to his shop by means of a mobile ramp; Copyright: Jörg Farys | AG Urban

Just entering a shop is a problem for many people with disabilities, especially wheelchair users. But there are several initiatives that provide mobile or sponsored ramps for shops to make inner cities more accessible.

Generation-friendly shopping - and what else?

Photo: Front of the Starbucks Signing Store. In foreground a large parasol, on which gestures are printed; Copyright: Joshua Trujillo | Starbucks Stories

The Starbucks coffee chain has opened the first signing store on American soil in Washington DC. Only people who are deaf or hard of hearing and who communicate with their customers in American sign language serve there.

What are the industry trends?

Graphic: Graphic on the subject of smart shopping with various thematically matching icons on it; Copyright:

How will our purchasing behaviour change in the future? Are we just doing everything online? Or will the retail trade manage to lure us back to the city centres?

Helping people help themselves continues to be the motto

Photo: Anne Hofmann; Copyright: private

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