Matthias Heil is the Ex-Factory Driving Aids and WheelPilot App project manager at Lab1886. talked to him about the app and its potential and asked about Daimler's understanding of inclusion.
Mr. Heil, how did you and your team come up with the idea to develop the WheelPilot app?
Matthias Heil: The global trend towards urbanization necessitates new mobility solutions. For more than ten years, Lab1886 has been Daimler AG’s innovation hub, tasked with developing and actualizing new business models that fall outside our core business areas as an automobile manufacturer. The Lab has created innovative mobility solutions such as car2go (soon to become Share Now), the first car subscription service - Mercedes Me Flexperience - or Ex-Factory Driving Aids, which pertains to vehicle conversions ex-factory for people with disabilities.
Lab1886 has the freedom and the drive to think and go beyond our core business. Building upon and inspired by the pioneering spirit of the company founders Gottlieb Daimler and Carl Benz, the idea is to quickly and progressively implement promising ideas of individual employees, teams and business units. Lab1886 studies future trends and explores technological, social and cultural developments.
My work at Daimler has introduced me to the initiative that was developed by the German nonprofit organization Sozialhelden e.V. and Raul Krauthausen back in 2012. WheelPilot uses’s data. I was very impressed by the idea of an app that shows wheelchair-accessible destinations and can be directly connected to the navigation system in our vehicles. That’s why Lab1886 decided to expand on the idea.
What is the project status?
Heil: Lab1886 collaborated with the Sozialhelden and was able to implement the first pilot, a test app, within a short three months.
Right now, we are still in the final programming stage of the app but are about to enter an internal test phase. It goes without saying that we hold the app to the same high quality standards as our vehicles and aspire to create an excellent customer experience.
That’s why the WheelPilot app is not yet ready for public release because it still has to undergo several internal tests. At the later market launch, the app will be available for Android and Apple smartphones at app stores.