Experiencing innovations and products with all the senses as well as personal exchange and establishing business contacts from around the world – this is what the REHACARE community can look forward to at the re-start of the leading international trade fair for rehabilitation and care in Düsseldorf from 14 to 17 September. Experts and parties affected are in for four days packed with extensive ranges of assistive technology, services and innovative products for just about every disability and segment of care. REHACARE has something exciting in store for every age group – forums, special shows and numerous programme highlights make a visit to the trade fair doubly attractive. Beyond this, numerous self-help associations and social economy organisations provide advice and pick up on current issues from all areas.
Hannes Niemann, Project Director at Messe Düsseldorf, looks to REHACARE in September with lots of optimism: “Thanks to the exhibitors’ positive feedback we can already say at this early stage that meeting at REHACARE after the 2-year Covid-induced break will prove an absolute highlight for the sector. Next to such top-notch brands as Otto Bock, MEYRA, Sunrise, Dietz and thyssenkrupp nearly all renowned companies will be represented in Düsseldorf with many exciting products and ideas. The effects of the pandemic can still be felt but what counts is that things are starting again, that we create the platform for personal exchange and – together with all enterprises, associations and organisations involved – provide impulses for self-determined living, autonomy and inclusion.”
Be it mobility and everyday aids, assistive technology for out or in-patient care, communications technology, barrier-free building and living or ideas for leisure, travel and sports – REHACARE offers one-stop shopping for all of this. The trade fair featuring forums and a versatile line-up of side events will be held in Halls 4 to 7 of the Düsseldorf Exhibition Centre.
Serving as a centre for encounters, exchange of experience, information and discussions is the TREFFPUNKT REHACARE in exhibition hall 6. It features different themes changing on a daily basis concerning
- Everyday issues of people affected,
- Assistive technology supply, quality and regulatory developments
- Participation in working life and the role of integration offices,
- Culture, mobility and sports-related topics.
The lectures and panel discussions are organised by associations, the employers’ liability insurance association, authorities and self-help groups, to name but a few.
Curtains up for innovations: PRODUCTS & NEWS@REHACARE
The Forum PRODUCTS & NEWS@REHACARE takes the innovations offered by the rehabilitation and care sector from exhibitors’ stands to the stage. Staged here amongst others will be mobility aids, wheelchair accessories, aids for people with sensory impairments and motor disabilities as well as therapies and rehabilitation and care aids. The stage programme in Hall 4 allows visitors to deepen the impressions they have gained while touring the trade fair in one central place. The stage programme featuring interesting interview partners from the industry and first-hand information complement the ranges on display at the trade fair. Volker Neumann, publisher and editor-in-chief of MOBITIPP, will facilitate the Forum and also contribute his own talks to the agenda.
Spotlight on children with impairments
Nursing care for children is also centre stage in Hall 4. At the exhibition stands parents and relatives will find all required aids ranging from wheelchairs to communication aids for inclusive teaching. Here such market leaders as ATO FORM GmbH, BeRollKa-aktiv Rollstuhltechnik GmbH, PATRON Bohemia a.s. and Schuchmann GmbH & Co. KG will join the fray as exhibitors. On top of this, visitors will find extensive counselling possibilities offered by rehaKIND, the “Internationale Fördergemeinschaft Kinder- und Jugendrehabilitation e.V.,” Dortmund, to name but two. Moreover, the “Kids World” will offer lots of fun and games to play for the youngest REHACARE visitors again. Here attentive care for the little ones will be provided during the visit to the trade fair.
The show must go on: automotive manufacturers and retrofitters at REHACARE
In Hall 6 specialist providers will demonstrate how individually adjusted refits and retrofits help people with a disability to also be mobile. With these automobiles function and comfort are geared to their users’ needs. Taking part in this Show will be manufacturers along with their accessibly refitted vehicles such as AMF-Bruns GmbH & Co. KG, Autolift, API DE GmbH, Veigel GmbH + Co. KG and VOLKSWAGEN AG.
People with impairments on the job
At the Theme Park “Menschen mit Behinderung und Beruf” (People with Impairments and a Profession”, close to the REHACARE Forum, visitors can obtain comprehensive information on the theme of working life and inclusion. Young people but also more and more older people with a so-called “acquired” disability want to return to their jobs – to this end various institutions will present ideas for workplace re-design and then be available for any interested parties interested with word and deed.
New at the trade fair: Exoskeleton Park
Hall 6 and the Exoskeleton Park will see producers of industrial exoskeletons and rehabilitation robotics debut a new stage at the trade fair. How can new technologies support social and professional inclusion for people with restricted mobility? What demands and solutions are available? The Exoskeleton Park with symposium focuses on the areas of workplace systems, new digital assistive technologies and assistance robots for rehabilitation. The exoskeleton solutions exhibited by the participating companies can be tested out at the exhibition stands. Partners to the Exoskeleton Park include the Fraunhofer IPA from Stuttgart, “Landschaftsverband Rheinland LVR”, “Landschaftsverband Wesfalen-Lippe”, the Wearable Robotics Association WEARRA as well as the “Deutsche Stiftung Querschnittslähmung DSQ” (German Paraplegia Foundation).
Support for people suffering from Long Covid
After two years of pandemic Long Covid will cause a big stir at REHACARE. 10% to 15% of the people infected with Covid suffer from Long Covid after the acute infection and are often left severely disabled by the disease. The clinical patterns and symptoms are often complex and little researched so far. As different as the symptoms are the requirements made on matching treatments. The problem: integrated care concepts as well as multi-modal therapy approaches are virtually non-existent in our health care system. REHACARE is the first trade fair to show solutions here with experts informing about targeted therapeutical approaches and the latest findings related to post and Long Covid. Boasting a network of panel doctors, Long-Covid ambulances, rehabilitation clinics and self-help groups this trade fair is the first “port of call” for patients seeking help.
Everyday living and relaxed travelling
In Hall 5 industrial companies and associations will showcase innovations and products from the technical aids market for people with sensory and motor impairments. Exhibits here will also revolve around the most beautiful weeks of the year. With such certified providers as TMGS (Tourismus Marketing Gesellschaft Sachsen mbH), the Fundació Mallorca Turisme, SailWise (for tailor-made yachting vacations in the Netherlands), De Egmonden from Egmond aan Zee or Heidehotel Bad Bevensen, everyone will find a matching travel offer regardless of the special requirements or impairments to be considered when selecting a holiday destination.
One of the highlights at REHACARE: The Sport Center
Sport-assisted rehabilitation, prevention and therapy are the themes covered in Hall 7a. The “Behinderten- und Rehabilitationssportverband Nordrhein-Westfalen e.V. (BRSNW) (North Rhine-Westphalian Disability and Rehabilitation Sports Association) will show the varied exercising possibilities for the disabled, chronically ill but also older people and invite visitors to join in on numerous activities. “On board” for the first time: the “Deutsche Segler-Verband e. V. (German Yachting Association). At REHACARE 2022 it will demonstrate how great and inclusive sailing can be as a sport and both what is planned for the future and which possibilities already exist today.
Held concurrently with REHACARE will be “therapie DÜSSELDORF”, Trade Fair with Congress for Therapy and Medical Rehabilitation, from 16 to 17 September 2022 in Hall 1. This cooperation between Messe Düsseldorf and Messe Leipzig offers excellent synergies for visitors from physio-, ergo- and sports therapies as well as rehabilitation and health sports. They can look forward to a host of product highlights as well as a multi-disciplinary, high-calibre congress programme. Both trade fairs can be attended with one ticket. For more information visit: www.therapiemesse-duesseldorf.de/en/
REHACARE Düsseldorf at a glance:
REHACARE is the world’s leading trade fair for rehabilitation and care. Every year in autumn it offers a representative overview of assistive technologies and latest knowledge for self-determined living at Düsseldorf Exhibition Centre. The trade fair is open from Wednesday to Friday from 10.00 am to 6.00 pm., on Saturday from 10.00 am to 5.00 pm. For more information and admission tickets go to: www.rehacare.com.
The Ticket shop will be live from 21 July.
Düsseldorf, June 2022