Global Disability Summit
On 26.09.2024, a symposium on the Global Disability Summit 2025, organized by BAG SELBSTHILFE and the German Federal Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs, will take place as part of REHACARE in Düsseldorf. The aim of the conference is to strengthen and deepen international cooperation to promote the rights of people with disabilities.European Disability Forum
Over 100 million people with disabilities in Europe face challenges in accessing election information through digital channels and events. The European Disability Forum has introduced checklists and scoring systems to help political parties and campaigns enhance accessibility, encouraging self-assessment and learning, with the aim of fostering inclusive communication and events.Automobile Sodermanns Reha-Mobilitätszentrum-NRW
The non-governmental organization "Agape Ukraine" has awarded Frank Sodermanns the "White Cross" for his commitment to the evacuation of people with disabilities from Ukraine. The award underlines the importance of the commitment and the ongoing need for financial support for the relief operation.Michel Arriens |
The European Disability Forum welcomes the "Declaration of the Spanish Presidency of the European Council on Expanding Voting Rights of Persons with Disabilities". Six obligations in particular should be emphasized to guarantee the rights of people with disabilities, including promotion of cooperation between the Member States of the European Union.European Disability Forum
The updated Regulation on Rail Passenger Rights enters into force on June 7, 2023, enhancing and in some cases strengthening passengers' rights during train travel. The regulation aims to ensure consistent protection for rail passengers in the EU, particularly focusing on those with disabilities.European Disability Forum
A report calls on the European Commission to present a proposal for an adequate minimum income in the European Union. In this report there are important considerations on the subject of disability. The European Disability Forum strongly supports the campaign of the Social Platform on this topic.Kessler Foundation
According to a special 2022 edition of National Trends in Disability Employment (nTIDE), published by the Kessler Foundation and the University of New Hampshire's Institute on Disability (UNH-IOD) and based on data from the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS), the average monthly employment rate increased in 2022 for people with disabilities.rehaKIND e. V.
As children grow up and develop, their needs keep changing. If the response to their special needs for auxiliary aids and services isn’t quick and competent, it creates problems that could have been avoided at a systemic level, says Christiana Hennemann. rehaKINDis committed to improving the situation and giving constructive feedback to policymakers, the public and other important stakeholders.VITA e.V. Assistenzhunde
Society lacks education and awareness when it comes to assistance dogs. There are also no official uniform training standards and not even the term "assistance dog" (known as a service dog in the United States) is protected. took a closer look at the obstacles people must overcome when it comes to the training and financing of this precious resource.