What makes you laugh?
Philipp Schrenk: When something that I plan to do actually works out; a great joke (a dark sense of humor is OK and even jokes about disabilities!).
What have you always been wanting to do and why have you never done this so far?
Philipp Schrenk: I would really like to go diving in the Caribbean and go paragliding in the mountains. However, since I tend to be more of a cautious person, my "inner demons" have so far not let me do it. But I will (once again) drown them out and stay the course.
Which person has influenced you most? And why?
Philipp Schrenk: I really don’t have one specific person. I am influenced by everyone I meet. Having said that, my parents, family, and friends definitely take the lion’s share here. They accept me as I am, with all my rough edges. It is also important that they are honest with me, even if I don’t like it at times.
You have the chance to become the Commissioner for the Disabled in your country. What would you do first?
Philipp Schrenk: I would ask our policy-makers to think outside the (German) box. This would reveal where inclusion works particularly well and (above all) how does it actually work and why? Instead of reinventing the wheel in Germany, we should consider the best practice examples from the Benelux Union, the Scandinavian countries and even the U.S. for example (think "The Americans with Disabilities Act"). Policy-makers could subsequently adopt these approaches in their entirety or partially or adapt them if needed without putting people with disabilities at a disadvantage. As the Federal Government Commissioner for Matters Relating to Persons with Disabilities, I would be in charge of monitoring and enforcing these aspects.