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Photo: REHACARE header with the logo of the trade fair

How does diabetes affect children in school?

Dear Sir or Madam,

When talking about inclusion it is often related to education. And most of the time people mainly pay attention to children with physical impairments. But a Danish study now focused on pupils with diabetes and wanted to find out, whether this chronic disease affects their cognitive skills and learning. You want to know what they found out? You will get to know in our current News.

Have a successful week,

Nadine Lormis
Editorial team

Graphic: 18 - 21 September 2019, REHACARE International Trade Fair for Rehabilitation and Care, Düsseldorf, Germany


News from the field of Work & Education
How We Roll
News from the field of Women & Kids
Topic of the Month
News from the field of Research & Health

Laura Mench – That's how she rolls

How we roll

Photo: Laura Mench sits at the edge of a fountain and smiles into the camera; Copyright: private
For a long time, the fact that bumble bees can fly was considered contradictory to the laws of aerodynamics. Although the riddle has been solved, the apparent paradox is still quite suitable as a motto for life – at least finds Laura Mench. What is important to the 21-year-old for her peers and why she believes that direct dialogue would lead to better implementation of the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities, she tells us at
Click here for the current interview
Click here for all "How we roll" interviews
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Accessible retail: Status quo and industry trends

Topic of the Month

Photo: A shop owner who makes his shop accessible for a wheelchair user with the help of a mobile ramp; Copyright: Jörg Farys | AG Urban
How will we be shopping in the future? How will our buying behavior change? These are questions that companies must already ponder today. takes a closer look at the retail industry, ponders the possible future and highlights projects that already focus on enabling participation in retail consumption.
Click here for the article in the Topic of the Month
Click here for the Topic of the Month
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