More women in the tech industry! That's what Saskia Bader wants, so she's no longer the only woman in development teams. Why she would still like to organize an offline event and would like to live off her nerd existence, she tells
Name: Saskia Bader Age: 28 City: Berlin, Germany Occupation: Webdeveloper and blogger Impairment: I have a congenital visual impairment.
Saskia Bader: Good, clean humor from computer games and my own shoddiness - which I can only laugh about after a little distance.
What have you always been wanting to do and why have you never done this so far?
Saskia Bader: I've wanted to organize an offline event for technology fans and bloggers for quite some time, but the costs and the many details to consider have kept me from doing so.
Which person has influenced you most? And why?
Saskia Bader: My best friend Ines. With my family I was always the problem child, with her a completely normal, lovable person. That finally gave me a little bit of self-confidence.
You have the chance to become the Commissioner for the Disabled. What would you do first?
Saskia Bader: Ensure that basic website accessibility is mandatory not only for public institutions, but also for larger enterprises.
Saskia Bader is already a blogger with a podcast and YouTube channel. From 27 March she can also call herself an author. With her book "Level Up Your Life" she has written an entertaining everyday guide for technology and computer game fans.
What is especially near and dear to you?
Saskia Bader: Equal opportunities for all people, also and especially in the digital world. That's why I'm a speaker at Internet and developer conferences for software and website accessibility.
I would like to be...
Saskia Bader: ...a full-time blogger. Not yet, since I just started a great job, but in five to ten years I would like to make my heart project "Saski's Nerdtalk" my profession.
Which question would you like answered the most?
Saskia Bader: Why are there still so few female programmers and technical bloggers in 2019? I've always been the only woman on the development teams at my recent jobs and Tech Blogger Events.
What I finally want to say...
Saskia Bader: You don't have to define yourself by your disability or other limitation or weakness. Instead, use it as an inspiration for creative problem-solving and as an incentive for commitment to those who have a bigger package to carry in life than you do.
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