What makes a day a good day to you?
Sebastian Schild: A day is just a day – You decide what you want to do with it.
Which auxiliary means or daily living aids are indispensable for you?
Sebastian Schild: The wheelchair, because I am paraplegic. The iPhone, because all my professional and private contacts now run through it. And then there is the control of the smart home, i.e. lighting, heating, et cetera...
What would you like to see from society and your fellow people in dealing with people with disabilities?
Sebastian Schild: Being disabled or using a wheelchair has to become a matter of course, similar to what has long been the case for people who wear glasses.
Which assistive device would urgently need to be invented and/or improved?
Sebastian Schild: A wheelchair that climbs stairs.
What has been your biggest challenge so far that you have mastered – and what has helped you?
Sebastian Schild: Adjusting after my accident to my new life with paraplegia.