Tan Caglar has Turkish roots and uses a wheelchair. In today's society, these are sometimes two reasons why one can be excluded. But the 37-year-old takes it with humor and soon will be touring in Germany with his comedy program. How to get Donald Trump, Bud Spencer and James Bond into one questionnaire, he tells us at REHACARE.com.
Name: Tan Caglar Age: 37 City: Hildesheim, Germany Occupation: Comedian/Wheelchair-Basketball-Player (Relation to the topic) Impairment: Wheelchair-user
What have you always been wanting to do and why have you never done this so far?
Tan Caglar: To put myself on a treadmill with my wheelchair and set the highest speed.
Which person has influenced you most? And why?
Tan Caglar: Bud Spencer. Because of his special way of taking the world as it is.
Before the comedian goes on tour with "Rollt bei mir", he stops for Raúl Krauthausen's show "face to face" in Duesseldorf. So, visitors at REHACARE trade fair benefit twice: They can not only experience Tan Caglar live, but also see how the tv show is recorded.
You have the chance to become the Commissioner for the Disabled in your country. What would you do first?
Tan Caglar: A wheelchair basketball game must be visited by all citizens on a monthly basis.
What is especially important to you?
Tan Caglar: A bigger sense of community feeling arising.
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