

Photo: Audience in front of the stage of the TREFFPUNKT REHACARE expert forum at REHACARE 2019; Copyright: Messe Düsseldorf/Andreas Wiese
Photo: Technical assembly aid at REHACARE 2019; Copyright: Messe Düsseldorf/Andreas Wiese

Professional participation

Technical assistance and vocational rehabilitation

Wednesday, 14th September 2022, from 1 pm
Thursday, 15th September 2022, from 1 pm
Friday, 16th September 2022, from 02:30 pm

Photo: Exhibition stand of the LWL and LVR at REHACARE 2019; Copyright: Messe Düsseldorf/ctillmann

LVR and LWL celebrate!

LVR and LWL celebrate 102 years of representatives for severely disabled persons!

Thursday, 15th September 2022, 03:30 pm

Photo: Two men wearing mouth-nose protection; Copyright: seventyfourimages

Long and Post COVID

Recognized experts provide answers to many questions facing those affected.

Friday, 16th September 2022, from 11 am

11:00 am

Inclusion businesses?! An employment opportunity on the general labor market – living inclusion (in German only)

Regina Schafmeister, chairwoman of the Foundation Kolping-Forum Paderborn and manager of several inclusion companies
Michael Veltmann, Head of the Inclusion Companies Department, LWL Inclusion Office for Work

Inclusion companies are companies operating regularly on the free market that allocate at least 30 percent of their jobs to people with severe disabilities. These companies show that cooperation between people with and without disabilities can be economically successful. Using the example of inclusive businesses, the event will explore the question of what the prerequisites and success factors are for an inclusive labor market.


11:30 am

Presentation of the model project "Experience transformation – Shape digitization to fit" (in German only)

Michael Rosellen, Head of Department, AWO Lower Rhine District Association
Kimberly Bauer, project assistant
Elena Fronk, project manager

The project, which is funded by Stiftung Wohlfahrtspflege NRW, uses a gamification approach to prepare around 1,000 employees for the digital transformation in the world of work and make them fit through individual training measures. In addition to the personal development report, which is available to all participants, there is also the opportunity to find out where the association stands with its digital skills.

Joachim Schäfer
Dr. Christian Schramm

12:00 pm

Presentation of the scientific monitoring of the special program "Maintaining access – Strengthening digitization" (in German only)

Prof. Dr. Fernand Hörner, Prof. Dr. Christian Voigt, Prof. Dr. Manuela Weidekamp-Maicher, Dr. Melina Dederichs, Henry Voigt

As part of the special program "Maintaining Access – Strengthening Digitization" of the NRW Welfare Foundation, 653 digitization projects of various social institutions from North Rhine-Westphalia were funded with a funding volume of 42.5 million euros. Welfare institutions have a need for funding in the area of digitization, which has become increasingly visible as a result of the Corona pandemic.

Technical assistance and vocational rehabilitation

1:00 pm

Vocational rehabilitation and technical assistance: challenges and opportunities (in German only)

Urban Daub, Fraunhofer Institute for Manufacturing Engineering and Automation

1:20 pm

The importance of occupational participation for people with spinal paralysis (in German only)

Kevin Schultes, Support Association of Paraplegics in Germany e. V.

2:15 pm

Needs of people with amputations in vocational rehabilitation from the BMAB perspective (in German only)

Dieter Jüptner, Federal association for people with arm and leg amputations (BMAB)

2:35 pm

Occupational exoskeletons in rehabilitation: a US perspective

Wiliam Billotte, ASTM International F48, USA

2:55 pm

Industrial exoskeletons and secondary prevention: status and perspective

Boudewijn Wisse, Laevo

4:00 pm

Presentation of the model project #ROOKIE – Be digital! (in German only)

Jerome Major, Managing Director Lebenshilfe Brakel
Christina Ising, Head of Division Housing & Project Management
Kilian Krämer, Pixcel Labor, lecturer in inclusion

The project "#ROOKIE – Be digital!", funded by Stiftung Wohlfahrtspflege NRW, aims to improve and evaluate the digital opportunities for social participation of people with disabilities as well as employees in residential facilities and outpatient services of Lebenshilfe Brakel.

10:30 am

Auxiliary means forum BV MED (in German only)

Moderation: Bettina Hertkorn-Ketterer


Rehab technical care: What it takes to get it right – Claims, experiences, pitfalls (in German only)

From the experience of a parent – challenges, tips and tricks, wishes and suggestions

Dr. Carmen Lechleuthner

From the patients' perspective - Licensing, financing, care - experiences and structural challenges

Christiana Hennemann, rehaKind e.V. & Prof. Dr. med. Rüdiger Krauspe, former Clinic Director of the Clinic for Orthopedics | Uniklinikum Düsseldorf

From the perspective of an assistive technology provider - From needs assessment to adaptation - the supply process

Tobias Klein, Sanitätshaus Aktuell AG

Technical assistance and vocational rehabilitation

1:00 pm

Successful vocational rehabilitation in paraplegia, a perspective from the U.S. (in German only)

Prof. Dr. Rory Cooper and Assoc. Prof. Rosie Cooper, University of Pittsburg

1:30 pm

Challenges and guidelines for vocational rehabilitation and technical assistance (in German only)

Britta Kirchhoff, Federal Institute for Occupational Safety and Health

1:50 pm

Vocational rehabilitation and assistive aids (in German only)

Ralf Rensinghoff, DGUV German Social Accident Insurance

2:25 pm

Digital assistance systems: The LWL Omni-Assist project (in German only)

Frank Schrapper, Regional Association of Westphalia-Lippe (LWL)

2:50 pm

IronHand – a practical report (in German only)

Norbert Poqué, Rhineland Regional Council

3:10 pm

Vocational rehabilitation and physical work: medical ergonomics and innovation (in German only)

Urban Daub, Fraunhofer Institute for Manufacturing Engineering and Automation

3:30 pm

LVR and LWL celebrate 102 years of representation for the severely disabled! (in German only)

10:30 am

Job coaching in the workplace – individuality and diversity for more inclusion (in German only)

Elin Prasun, trained occupational therapist and employee in the job coaching department of the LWL Inclusion Office for Work

What exactly is job coaching in the workplace and how does it contribute to inclusion? The lecture gives an insight into the practice in Westphalia-Lippe, where job coaching has developed into a recognized format for supporting the occupational participation of people with disabilities – both for securing existing employment relationships and for initiating new ones on the general labor market. In addition to an insight into many different practical cases, special features and characteristics of the instrument will be presented. Both the conceptual and practical aspects of job coaching will be highlighted.

Long-/Post-COVID – Recovered, but chronically ill

Long-COVID can affect anyone – whether after a mild or severe illness. Those affected are often no longer able to perform their usual occupational and everyday activities. However, research into the clinical picture and suitable treatment options is only just beginning. The symptoms are complex, often varying in intensity and duration, and sometimes difficult to distinguish from other clinical pictures. This poses major challenges for those affected and for the entire healthcare system. As different as the symptoms are, so too are the requirements for tailored therapies.

At the Long-COVID focus, you will receive answers from recognized experts to many of the questions faced by those affected. Here is the preliminary program:

11:00 am

Long-COVID – How big are the challenges for rehabilitation? (in German only)

Barbara Steffens, Head of the TK Regional Office NRW

The COVID pandemic has pushed many areas of primary care to their breaking point. Now we face an additional challenge with the diagnosis of Long-COVID. Long-COVID patients are on sick leave for extremely long periods of time and almost always suffer from a wide range of symptoms. These patients represent a massive challenge for the rehabilitation sector. This is because the combination of physical and mental illness symptoms in different individual manifestations requires new therapy concepts, which now have to be developed.

11:20 am

Long-COVID/Post-COVID – Experiences from a psychosomatic consultation (in German only)

Ulrike Schultheis, LVR Clinic Cologne Long COVID Outpatient Clinic

Persistent fatigue, shortness of breath, impaired concentration, limited resilience, muscle and joint pain, gastrointestinal complaints, impaired concentration and memory – many patients report lasting symptoms even months after their COVID-19 infection. Psychological symptoms such as dejection and anxiety are also common. In the Long-COVID consultation at the LVR Clinic in Cologne, the support and therapy needs of the psyche and body are examined and worked out. In the lecture the work of the consultation and the role of psychosomatic medicine in the treatment of Long-COVID will be presented.

11:45 am

Long- and Post-COVID: Recovered is not yet healthy (in German only)

Dr. Jördis Frommhold, Institute Long COVID Rostock

Studies estimate that 10-40 % of unvaccinated infected persons and 3-5 % of vaccinated persons with breakthrough infections develop protracted late sequelae – Long-COVID – even after mild or asymptomatic acute courses. Those affected are also young people, without pre-existing conditions.

What are the differences between Long- and Post-COVID, what are the possible causes and what treatment options are currently available? What new care structures do we need in order to do justice to these hundreds of thousands of sufferers and to avoid permanent disability? The lecture will take into account these questions as well as an overall social classification and will shed light on them in a differentiated manner.

12:15 pm

Long-/Post-COVID Outpatient Rehabilitation (in German only)

Dr. Pantea Pape, NTC Neurological Therapy Center Cologne

It is necessary to take sequelae of a COVID-19 infection seriously and treat them as early as possible. The outpatient therapy of the Neurological Therapy Center (NTC) is based on the individual problems and needs of each rehabilitation patient and is carried out by a multidisciplinary highly specialized team.

The goal of therapies for Post-COVID syndrome is to increase physical and psychological resilience, increase strength, endurance and balance abilities, and improve additional symptoms such as pain, sleep disorders, anxiety and problems with processing the disease. The overall goal is to establish participation in all areas of life.

Therapies are designed by a multiprofessional therapeutic team of physio/ergo/sports therapy, speech therapy, neuropsychology, nursing, nutritional and social counseling, and medicine. The close interlocking of the individual areas through regular, interprofessional exchange ensures the optimal treatment of the rehabilitation patients.

12:40 pm

Long-COVID – a rocky road (in German only)

Christine Seibert, Long COVID Network DTZ e. V.

In the lecture, the pitfalls but also possible solutions in the "therapy jungle" will be shown from the patient's point of view.

1:05 pm

Psychotherapeutic assistance (in German only)

Katharina Ise, Academy of Applied Psychology and Psychotherapy Cologne (APP)

The APP Cologne offers specialized treatments in its Long-COVID outpatient clinic for patients who have experienced prolonged psychological or cognitive symptoms as a result of infection with the SARS-CoV-2 virus (COVID-19). This article provides an overview of the existing services, including detailed neuropsychological diagnostics and special therapy approaches.

1:30 pm

Positive effects of rehabilitation on Post-COVID symptoms (in German only)

Dr. Mario Siebler, Medical Director, Head Physician of the Specialist Clinic for Neurology at MEDICLIN Fachklinik Rhein/Ruhr

The long-term consequences of a covid infection (post-covid syndrome) can lead to considerable restrictions in social and occupational participation. As there is currently no proven pharmacotherapy therapy, classical rehabilitation approaches are needed. We present the result of our multicenter interdisciplinary study showing the impact of specialized rehabilitation on symptom development.

1:55 pm

Opportunities of hyperbaric oxygen therapy (HBOT) in long/post COVID (in German only)

Dr. Claus Müller-Kortkamp, ENT specialist practice in Soltau // Allergy – outpatient surgery – hyperbaric oxygen therapy (HBOT)

A significant number of COVID-19 infected patients develop long-lasting symptoms, which are summarized as post or long COVID syndrome: Many patients suffer from fatigue and a large cluster has a mixture of headaches, loss of attention, cognitive impairment ("brain fog") and vegetative symptoms. The German statutory accident insurance DGUV has recognized more than 120,000 cases as occupational disease No. 3101 in 2021 alone.

Hyperbaric oxygen therapy, or HBO for short, has shown promise in the treatment of post-COVID in initial studies. Patients breathe pure oxygen in a hyperbaric chamber at 2.4 bar for 90 minutes once a day. Improved microcirculation, elimination of hypoxia (HIF), edema reduction, increased cerebral blood flow, and improved neurogenesis or neuroplasticity are cited as the mechanism of action.

Thus, a large number of patients show improvement in cognitive performance, attention, executive functions, psychiatric symptoms (depression, anxiety, and somatization), pain disorder symptoms, and also fatigue. The objective for HBO is to optimally position this little-discovered component in the multimodal and multiprofessional therapy of post-COVID to prevent persistent disability.

The presentation will address basics of HBOT, feasibility, and the current state of studies in the treatment of post-COVID.

Technical assistance and vocational rehabilitation

2:30 pm

Technical work aids and accompanying aids (in German only)

Sabine Stange and Marcus Baumgarth, LVR and Fachstelle Rheinkreis Neuss

3:00 pm

InA.Coach – Insights into the development of digital assistive devices (in German only)

Sebastian Muszytowski, BOS Connect GmbH

3:45 pm

RV Fit – the prevention program of the German Pension Insurance (in German only)

Julian Ramm, German Pension Insurance Association

RV Fit is a free prevention program developed by physicians. The program contains elements of exercise, nutrition and stress management. Specially developed for working people, the program is intended to help improve the attitude to life holistically.

04:00 pm

Presentation of the Innophys Muscle Suit

Soenke Herbst, Sales Director / Vice President, N-Ippin GmbH

11:00 am

Taster course functional training (in German only)

DMSG German Multiple Sclerosis Society


12:15 pm

Book presentation – A report on experience as an encourager (in German only)

Vanessa Lehnert

Joachim Schäfer
Dr. Christian Schramm

1:00 pm

Chances and limits of the personal budget – exhibition and discussion (in German only)

Competence Center Self-Determined Living (KSL) Düsseldorf

In a keynote speech Tobias Fischer (lawyer of KSL Düsseldorf) introduces the Personal Budget. In a subsequent round Jürgen Langenbucher (responsible for the personal budget in the integration assistance at the Landschaftsverband Rheinland), Isabell Rosenberg (assistance user, consultant at the EUTB Krefeld & at ibk kubia) and Tanja Triebel (assistance user) talk about chances and limits of the Personal Budget. Iris Colsman, head of KSL Düsseldorf, moderates.

The traveling exhibition presents visitors with specialist information on the Personal Budget. People who use the Budget talk about their experiences. In addition, employees of the regional associations of North Rhine-Westphalia and an independent counseling center report on their work and recommend the Personal Budget as an important instrument for a self-determined life.

A sign language interpreter will be on site.

2:00 pm

Inclusion Rocks & Rolls (in German only)

Together we will ride a bike and experience live music. We will also talk about sports, culture and inclusion in order to overcome fears and prejudices. And bring together many people and clubs. Included: The Inclusion Torch from the Network Inclusion Germany.

Sven has a brain tumor, Sebastian is blind. Together they are strong. They will ride about 4,000 km together on a special tandem.

They will ride from state capital to state capital: Berlin - Potsdam - Magdeburg - Dresden - Erfurt - Munich - Stuttgart - Saarbrücken - Mainz - Wiesbaden - Düsseldorf - Hannover - Bremen - Hamburg - Kiel - Schwerin - Berlin